PDF to JPG color differences

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PDF to JPG color differences

Post by Nik »

Hi all,
I'm having a few color conversion differences when converting a PDF to JPG (or tiff) on separate macs.

The mac that produces the, correct looking JPG is running IM version 6.6.4-9 and GS version 9.00 on Intel mac running OS 10.5.8
The mac that produces incorrect results is running IM version 6.6.7-1 and GS version 9.00 on a PowerPC G5 mac running OS 10.5.8

The incorrect JPG's colors look washed out and I have white text on a red background that looks like it's overprinting and black text on a yellow background that's turning a brown color, almost like the colors are viewing in overprint. The strange thing is that the image that's in the pdf looks fine. Thinking about it maybe the strange coloring is only being applied to vector elements.

If anybody could offer any advice or opinions I would greatly appreciate it as it has me completely stumped.

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