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About MagickSetImage(functions) and MagickSet(functions)

Posted: 2011-01-20T19:00:07-07:00
by diuming
Deal all,

What's the different between MagickSetImage(functions) and MagickSet(functions)!
ex: function name with image or without image
MagickSetImageColorspace() and MagickSetColorspace()

thanks a lot.


Re: About MagickSetImage(functions) and MagickSet(functions)

Posted: 2011-01-20T22:30:45-07:00
by anthony
I am not certain what the difference is, but looking at the documentation, I think MagickSetColorspace() only changes the setting in a 'wand' (perhaps for creating new images) while MagickSetImageColorspace() changes the setting in an existing image. Not absolutely sure. Anyone else who actually uses MagickWand like to answer?

But in magickCore SetImageColorspace() is the equivalent of -set colorspace
So I think MagickSetImageColorspace is what you want.

That is just set the image->colorspace Image structure element without actually changing or modifying the actual image data.

Re: About MagickSetImage(functions) and MagickSet(functions)

Posted: 2011-01-22T10:27:59-07:00
by el_supremo
See Magick's explanation in this post:
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14899&p=52290&hilit ... ngs#p52290


Re: About MagickSetImage(functions) and MagickSet(functions)

Posted: 2011-01-23T19:28:01-07:00
by diuming
You are provide very useful information!

Thanks Pete :D
