perlmagick $obj->Get('interlace') always reports None

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perlmagick $obj->Get('interlace') always reports None

Post by paul_krohn »

Hi all. Longtime user, first post here. Thanks in advance for taking a look!

My issue is that it appears that PerlMagick always reports "None" as the interlace type in a snippet like this:

Code: Select all

my $obj = Image::Magick->new();
my $res = $obj->Read($imageFileName);
print STDOUT $imageFileName . ": " . $obj->Get('interlace') . "\n";
When I check the same images with identify, the interlace type is correctly reported. At least, for my set of test images, which contains one image with interlace type "JPEG", aka "progressive". I reproduced this on a freshly-updated MacPorts install of:

p5-perlmagick @6.59
ImageMagick @6.6.7-1

Insights much appreciated,

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Re: perlmagick $obj->Get('interlace') always reports None

Post by paul_krohn »

Sorry, this should be in the Perlmagick forum, re-posted there:

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