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convert fred script to IM

Posted: 2011-01-28T02:52:26-07:00
by ratneshsoni
I want to change fred texteffect script into IM script. Like :-
'exec("./ -t "TEXT" -s outline -e bulge-top -d 0.5 -f Arial -p 48 -c skyblue -b white -o black -l 1 -u lightpink $outpitfile");

in this script font stroke is not there. And l also want font stroke.
I want to change this in IM. Help me

Re: convert fred script to IM

Posted: 2011-01-28T14:12:37-07:00
by fmw42
add the script's existing parameter -l lineweight to your command to change the strokewidth. Stroke color is controlled by the script's -o outlinecolor parameter