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CMYK jpeg -thumbnail giant filesize

Posted: 2011-02-14T15:06:34-07:00
by jsd
So, I've got a pretty large CMYK jpeg:

I am trying to convert it to a 110x156 thumbnail. Using the following command line:
convert 145745e.jpg -colorspace RGB -thumbnail '110x156^' -gravity center -crop 110x156+0+0 test.jpg

On my Mac, which is running an older version of ImageMagick ("Version: ImageMagick 6.5.3-7 2009-06-14 Q16 OpenMP"), I get a reasonable 16KB thumbnail.

On our Linux server, running a much more recent repository version ("Version: ImageMagick 6.6.3-9 2010-09-01 Q16"), I get an unreasonable 590KB output file. Same command line.

Any ideas what's going on here?

[EDIT: I just built the latest version of ImageMagick (6.6.7-7) from source on a virgin Linux box and I get the same results - 590KB.]

Re: CMYK jpeg -thumbnail giant filesize

Posted: 2011-02-14T16:03:19-07:00
by magick
Add -strip to your command line to delete profiles and comments.

Re: CMYK jpeg -thumbnail giant filesize

Posted: 2011-02-14T17:03:59-07:00
by jsd
magick wrote:Add -strip to your command line to delete profiles and comments.
That fixed it. Was that the default in the earlier versions or something?