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Color Removal

Posted: 2011-02-15T14:05:08-07:00
by hsadek2011
I wonder if there's a way so that I can remove certain colors from some number of pictures at once, like white and absolute blue using a command line scripting operation.

Re: Color Removal

Posted: 2011-02-15T14:24:50-07:00
by fmw42
what do you mean by remove? make transparent?

If all the pictures are in one directory, you can use mogrify. If you only have a few images, you can use convert and list all the images and apply the same commands to remove those colors.

If you want to make transparent an exact color, use

-transparent somecolor

if you want to make transparent some color and those colors very near, then use

-fuzz XX% -transparent somecolor

where XX% is the percent difference in color that you want to include and make transparent
