TIFF rendering problem (negate?) with some files (CS5?)

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TIFF rendering problem (negate?) with some files (CS5?)

Post by kriks »


I have some tiff files which don't get rendered correctly (negate ?) , via convert or display.

here is one : http://dl.free.fr/nSXQSd8IV

it is displayed correctly with gimp, or okular.

using Identify, I can't get to see a valuable difference, except the photoshop version (CS5 in this case)

I don't have this problem on my local machine with IM

Do you have any hint about this thing?

Code: Select all

# convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.8-5 2011-03-29 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2011 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Thanks for helping
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Re: TIFF rendering problem (negate?) with some files (CS5?)

Post by kriks »

up :D
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