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text in two line using fred's script
Posted: 2011-04-11T22:56:33-07:00
by ratneshsoni
i m using this code to genrate text with shape like arc.
/ -t "TEXT" -s outline -e arc-top -a 180 -f Arial -p 48 -c skyblue -b white -o black -l 1 -u lightpink
In this if user type text in two line then it is not generating image. This code works fine for single line text.
Re: text in two line using fred's script
Posted: 2011-04-12T09:28:18-07:00
by fmw42
ratneshsoni wrote:i m using this code to genrate text with shape like arc.
/ -t "TEXT" -s outline -e arc-top -a 180 -f Arial -p 48 -c skyblue -b white -o black -l 1 -u lightpink
In this if user type text in two line then it is not generating image. This code works fine for single line text.
My Texteffect script was designed to work only with one line of text! Sorry.
However, if I do the following as a test:
texteffect -t "Line1\nLine2" -s outline -e arc-top -a 180 -f Arial -p 48 -c skyblue -b white -o black -l 1 -u lightpink tmp.png
I get:
The successfulness of the result will likely depend upon the type of distortion.
Re: text in two line using fred's script
Posted: 2011-04-12T23:29:34-07:00
by anthony
Look like you need to use longer lines to handle the distortion
You could try adding a minimum radius.
Re: text in two line using fred's script
Posted: 2011-04-29T00:02:24-07:00
by ratneshsoni
one more thing in freds script how i will set align of text, like when text in two lines then second line text is align to center but i want it in left side. How is it is possible with freds script.
Please Help me
Re: text in two line using fred's script
Posted: 2011-04-29T09:23:24-07:00
by fmw42
The script is designed to center all text. It is hardwired right now. It was never originially designed for multiple lines.
If you want to edit the script, then try changing all lines containing:
-gravity center -annotate
-gravity west -annotate
However, I make no guarantee that every style will still work as before.