I am not all that expert with NetPBM and don't see a way to create the clut image and apply it all in one command. You will need to create a list of 256 red values, a list of 256 green values and a list of 256 blue values. Or create a list of rgb values that can then be parsed via unix commands to separate into 3 lists (or arrays). Then use the example from Anthony's page
http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/formats/#netpbm to create a grayscale 256x1 image for each of red, green, then blue. Then combine them together into one colored 256x1 image (-combine). Then use that image with your original image and -clut to process it.
For example, suppose you have only 10 values (rather than 256) in the range 0 to 255.
redlist="0 4 10 50 90 30 140 240 200 255"
echo "P2 10 1 255 $redlist" | convert - redlut.gif
NOTE: P2 10 1 255 represents PGM Code (P2), width of lutimage (i.e. number of values) (10), height of lutimage (1), maximum graylevel (255).
similar for greenlist and greenlut.gif and for bluelist and bluelut.gif
convert image \( redlut.gif greenlut.gif bluelut.gif -combine \) -clut resultimage
Alternately, you can make a list or file of r,g,b values (one set per row). Then read the file and process it into 3 lists (or arrays) and do as above.
For example, you create a file called colortable.txt that looks as follows:
where each row is r,g,b values
Then to convert to lists for use as above:
redlist=`cat colortable.txt | cut -d, -f1`
greenlist=`cat colortable.txt | cut -d, -f2`
bluelist=`cat colortable.txt | cut -d, -f3`
echo "P2 10 1 255 $redlist" | convert - redlut.gif
echo "P2 10 1 255 $greenlist" | convert - greenlut.gif
echo "P2 10 1 255 $bluelist" | convert - bluelut.gif
convert image \( redlut.gif greenlut.gif bluelut.gif -combine \) -clut resultimage
Anthony may have a more compact and more elegant solution, if he sees this post as he is the NetPBM expert.