loose transparency when draw black on transparent background

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loose transparency when draw black on transparent background

Post by peter_werk »

When I process a image, consisting of a black painting on transparent background,
resulting image will be completely black -> transparency seems to get lost.
This issue happens at processing following formats: GIF and PNG.
Do you have any idea?

imagemagick/hardy uptodate 7:
libmagick10/hardy uptodate 7:
perlmagick/hardy uptodate 7:

Here are my processing steps: read, resize, write

my $image = new Image::Magick;
my $x=$image->Get('width')||0;
my $y=$image->Get('height')||0;
if ($x>0 && $y>0){
if ($x>$y){
$image->Resize(width=>'600', height=>int(600*$y/$x) );
$image->Resize(width=>int(600*$x/$y), height=>'600' );

There are no problems with other source images.

Cheers, Peter
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Re: loose transparency when draw black on transparent backgr

Post by anthony »

You are writing to JPEG!

JPEG does nto handle transparency!

See IM Examples, Jpeg transparency - NOT!
For Solutions see Removing Transparency
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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