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[fixed ]Crash with caption with unicode break

Posted: 2011-04-21T05:07:09-07:00
by broucaries
The following command results in an infinite loop:
  • convert -size 600x400 xc:wheat -font URW-Gothic-Book-Oblique \
    -pointsize 20 -gravity Center -size 580x \
    caption:'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x' \
    -append /tmp/output.png
The space between the two words of text is actually "U+00A0 NO-BREAK

Re: Crash with caption with unicode break

Posted: 2011-04-21T05:08:28-07:00
by broucaries
A test case could be found at the end of

Re: Crash with caption with unicode break

Posted: 2011-04-21T05:11:19-07:00
by magick
The problem you reported is fixed in recent versions of ImageMagick.