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Capturing MagickWriteImage errors

Posted: 2011-05-13T10:38:35-07:00
by sambessey

I am randomly getting tiny (like 600 byte) PDFs being output by MW. They are definately broken as contain no EOF. I have tried using MagickGetException() to see something worthwhile, but I never get anything back.

I am using MagickWriteImage() to write the pdfs to disk, and notice the following in the manual:

" If any of the filenames mentioned below do not obey PHP's restrictions, a fatal error will occur, and script execution will halt."

Note I have also done a simultaneous blob to Jpeg so I know the image I want to be a PDF is NOT corrupt.

Now I can't see what would cause this as its just a directory PHP can write to, but in any case, is there any way I can see the fatal errror? as I have tried everything and cannot get anything out? Or is there a complete list of 'PHP's Restrictions' that could be causing this?
