possible bug in distort perspective IM Q16
Posted: 2011-05-22T13:52:25-07:00
IM Q16 Mac OSX Tiger.
Testing on my 3Dbox script led me to test 90 degree rotations in my 3Drotate script, which shows some minor asymmetry between 90 and -90 rotations with respect to the skycolor i.e. -mattecolor as follows:
Pan=90 leads to coloration issue in skycolor, i.e. mattecolor?
virtual-pixel is background
background is black
mattecolor is black
3Drotate1 pan=90 auto=zc mandril.jpg mandril_pan90zc.jpg
Perspective Projection:
-distort PerspectiveProjection \
'-1.390749, 0.513765, 63.686275, -4.027032,
-2.506420, 285.817193, -0.021837, 0.008067'
Perspective Distort, FX Equivelent:
-fx 'ii=i+page.x+0.5; jj=j+page.y+0.5;
rr=-0.015702*ii +0.000000*jj + 1;
xx=(-0.882649*ii +0.000000*jj +56.212644)/rr;
yy=(-0.442894*ii +0.000000*jj +28.206260)/rr;
rr<0 ? p{ xx-page.x-.5, yy-page.x-.5 } : blue'
./3Drotate_16481.mpc=>mandril_pan90zc.jpg MPC 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 0.060u 0:00.080
Which should be equivalent to the control points generated by the script:
convert mandril.jpg -virtual-pixel background -background black \
-mattecolor black -verbose -distort Perspective \
"0,0 63.6862745098,0 127,0 63.6862745098,34 127,127 63.6862745098,92 0,127 63.6862745098,127" \
Whereas pan=-90, does not show this effect as the whole image is black.
virtual-pixel is background
background is black
mattecolor is black
3Drotate1 pan=-90 auto=zc mandril.jpg mandril_panm90zc.jpg
Perspective Projection:
-distort PerspectiveProjection \
'12.595127, -9.842898, 63.686275, -1.647869,
0.473557, -10.962272, 0.197768, -0.154553'
Perspective Distort, FX Equivelent:
-fx 'ii=i+page.x+0.5; jj=j+page.y+0.5;
rr=-0.015702*ii -0.000000*jj + 1;
xx=(+0.621573*ii -0.000000*jj -39.585670)/rr;
yy=(+0.693779*ii -0.000000*jj -44.184170)/rr;
rr<0 ? p{ xx-page.x-.5, yy-page.x-.5 } : blue'
./3Drotate_16836.mpc=>mandril_panm90zc.jpg MPC 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit Bilevel DirectClass 0.040u 0:00.060
Which should be equivalent to the control points generated by the script:
convert mandril.jpg -virtual-pixel background -background black \
-mattecolor black -verbose -distort Perspective \
"0,0 63.6862745098,34 127,0 63.6862745098,0 127,127 63.6862745098,127 0,127 63.6862745098,92" \
Testing on my 3Dbox script led me to test 90 degree rotations in my 3Drotate script, which shows some minor asymmetry between 90 and -90 rotations with respect to the skycolor i.e. -mattecolor as follows:
Pan=90 leads to coloration issue in skycolor, i.e. mattecolor?
virtual-pixel is background
background is black
mattecolor is black
3Drotate1 pan=90 auto=zc mandril.jpg mandril_pan90zc.jpg
Perspective Projection:
-distort PerspectiveProjection \
'-1.390749, 0.513765, 63.686275, -4.027032,
-2.506420, 285.817193, -0.021837, 0.008067'
Perspective Distort, FX Equivelent:
-fx 'ii=i+page.x+0.5; jj=j+page.y+0.5;
rr=-0.015702*ii +0.000000*jj + 1;
xx=(-0.882649*ii +0.000000*jj +56.212644)/rr;
yy=(-0.442894*ii +0.000000*jj +28.206260)/rr;
rr<0 ? p{ xx-page.x-.5, yy-page.x-.5 } : blue'
./3Drotate_16481.mpc=>mandril_pan90zc.jpg MPC 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit DirectClass 0.060u 0:00.080
Which should be equivalent to the control points generated by the script:
convert mandril.jpg -virtual-pixel background -background black \
-mattecolor black -verbose -distort Perspective \
"0,0 63.6862745098,0 127,0 63.6862745098,34 127,127 63.6862745098,92 0,127 63.6862745098,127" \
Whereas pan=-90, does not show this effect as the whole image is black.
virtual-pixel is background
background is black
mattecolor is black
3Drotate1 pan=-90 auto=zc mandril.jpg mandril_panm90zc.jpg
Perspective Projection:
-distort PerspectiveProjection \
'12.595127, -9.842898, 63.686275, -1.647869,
0.473557, -10.962272, 0.197768, -0.154553'
Perspective Distort, FX Equivelent:
-fx 'ii=i+page.x+0.5; jj=j+page.y+0.5;
rr=-0.015702*ii -0.000000*jj + 1;
xx=(+0.621573*ii -0.000000*jj -39.585670)/rr;
yy=(+0.693779*ii -0.000000*jj -44.184170)/rr;
rr<0 ? p{ xx-page.x-.5, yy-page.x-.5 } : blue'
./3Drotate_16836.mpc=>mandril_panm90zc.jpg MPC 128x128 128x128+0+0 8-bit Bilevel DirectClass 0.040u 0:00.060
Which should be equivalent to the control points generated by the script:
convert mandril.jpg -virtual-pixel background -background black \
-mattecolor black -verbose -distort Perspective \
"0,0 63.6862745098,34 127,0 63.6862745098,0 127,127 63.6862745098,127 0,127 63.6862745098,92" \