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problem - invalid colormap index

Posted: 2011-06-19T22:37:50-07:00
by carol_sun
I have one bmp image can't be resized. But it can be viewed in windows.

/usr/local/ImageMagick-6.7.0/bin# ./convert -sample 40x40 441.bmp 1.jpg
convert: invalid colormap index `441.bmp' @ error/colormap-private.h/ConstrainColormapIndex/34.

Something wrong with this image?

Re: problem - invalid colormap index

Posted: 2011-06-20T04:49:29-07:00
by anthony
Typically it means the image is wrong in some way. In this case it sounds like one pixel is using a color table index that goes beyond the limits of the supplied color table. However I could be wrong, and am not certain on how to test that theory.

Many programs will not report errors like this but try to carry on regardless.

Re: problem - invalid colormap index

Posted: 2011-07-14T12:22:35-07:00
by rogerdpack
I just got this, too, however with older versions of imagemagick I don't think I did. Unfortunately imagemagick servers don't appear to keep older versions available for download so I can't tell you which ones work :)

Command ("identify -ping C:/Users/packrd/AppData/Local/Temp/mini_magick.196.64370") failed: {:status_code=>1, :output=>"C:/Users/packrd/AppData/Local/Temp/mini_magick.196.64370 BMP 5x11 5x11+0+0 8-bit PseudoClass 256c 1.17KB 0.000u 0:00.000\nMagick: invalid colormap index `C:/Users/packrd/AppData/Local/Temp/mini_magick.196.64370' @ error/image.c/SyncImage/4310.\n"}

Re: problem - invalid colormap index

Posted: 2011-07-14T14:26:49-07:00
by glennrp
Older versions of ImageMagick can be found at
(only the tar.gz sources, and only the last, usually x.y.z-10, release of each
ImageMagick-x.y.z). Also you can check out any particular version since 6.5.5-6 from