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concurrent use on WAMP

Posted: 2011-08-17T17:57:00-07:00
by crazychris
I have a WIn7 dev server running with Apache 2.2.17 and PHP 5.3.5 and iMagick and MySQL. PHP is loaded as an Apache module.

I was using GD to thumbnail some images when I reached an impasse when trying to work with 60MB JPEG files - they expanded to 3.4GB and PHP just failed. iMagick however can eat those files for breakfast (slowly, but surely) however, while I was chopping a large image into a few thousand tiles, and kicked off another script to process another file, it got stuck. It wasn't throwing an error, or getting locked up, it was creating a new Imagick() but then refused to move on. Even if it's a different session, and different browser, and different domain name, it seems as if only ONE instance of the Imagick() object can be in use at any one time on the server.

Can anyone confirm this? If it's true, I'm in a bit of a pickle! If this really is the case, is there a way around it? Maybe using dl() instead?
