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memory overrun in coders/jpeg.c

Posted: 2011-09-05T15:39:09-07:00
by rene-d

The ReadProfile() function in coders/jpeg.c deals with a possible previous profile in the image:

if (previous_profile != (const StringInfo *) NULL)
(void) memcpy(GetStringInfoDatum(profile),GetStringInfoDatum(profile)+
(void) memcpy(GetStringInfoDatum(profile),

The first memcpy() causes an access violation, by reading non-allocated memory.

To understand, using abbreviated variables, this code is equivalent to :

// ptr is a buffer of l bytes (stands for profile->datum, after the resize)
// old is a buffer of l_old bytes (stands for previous_profile->datum)
memcpy(ptr, ptr + l_old, l) <== overrun of l_old bytes !!!
memcpy(ptr, old, l_old)

As I am not familiar with the ImageMagick source code, I cannot understand what it i supposed to do. However :

The first memcpy() could be:
memcpy(ptr + l_old, ptr, l - l_old) if the previous profile has to be placed at the beginning

Or, if the previous profile has to be appended at the end, the both memcpy() should replace by only one:
memcpy(ptr + l_old, old, l_old)

This problem seems to appear in version 6.7.1 (more precisely in the revision r4987), after the removal of ConcatenateStringInfo() call and to be platform independant.

I have tested on W7 64 bit, with Version: ImageMagick 6.7.2-0 2011-08-24 Q16 and the last Windows source code (6.7.2-3) compiled with VC++ 2010.

The command I use is : convert P1030267.JPG -resize "x1080>" a.jpg

One of my pictures that causes the problem : (taken with a Panasonic Lumix FX40 and edited with Picasa one year ago).

Best regards,

Re: memory overrun in coders/jpeg.c

Posted: 2011-09-05T16:14:35-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch. Look for it in the next point release of ImageMagick. Thanks.

Re: memory overrun in coders/jpeg.c

Posted: 2011-09-06T01:25:30-07:00
by rene-d
First of all, if someone should be thanked, it's you !

But I still don't understand why you copy a buffer twice at the same location (profile->datum). The first argument of memcpy() is the destination pointer, not the source one.

Would you rather write, in ... ers/jpeg.c line 679 :

Code: Select all

	      (void) memmove(GetStringInfoDatum(profile) + GetStringInfoLength(previous_profile),
(memmove() handles overlaps, but not memcpy()).


Re: memory overrun in coders/jpeg.c

Posted: 2011-09-06T05:07:06-07:00
by magick
We added your patch to the Subversion trunk. It will be available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: memory overrun in coders/jpeg.c

Posted: 2011-09-09T12:09:29-07:00
by rene-d

the patch has been applied into the trunk, but the (automatic?) merge into branch 6.7.2 has failed :

if you compare ... peg.c#L646
and ... peg.c#L671
you'll see that the call to SetStringInfoLength() has disappeared.

So, convert still hangs on some images :(

However, I have compiled a 7.0.0 version (from svn revision 5237), it works fine.

Hope this is the only merge/report error...


Re: memory overrun in coders/jpeg.c

Posted: 2011-09-09T12:16:46-07:00
by magick
We fixed the copy-paste bug just a few minutes ago. Look for ImageMagick 6.7.2-4 with the fix in just a few hours.

Re: memory overrun in coders/jpeg.c

Posted: 2011-09-09T12:21:29-07:00
by rene-d
Merci beaucoup :)