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Bug when saving gray images as miff after "-colorspace sRGB"

Posted: 2011-09-08T06:18:40-07:00
by henrywho
Binary: ...
(exe binaries dated 8 Sep 2011)

Test image: ... g_orig.png
  • Good: convert rings_lg_orig.png -resize 150x150! 01.miff
    Good: convert rings_lg_orig.png -depth 16 -resize 150x150! 02.miff
    Bad: convert rings_lg_orig.png -depth 16 -colorspace sRGB -resize 150x150! 03.miff
    Bad: convert rings_lg_orig.png -colorspace sRGB -resize 150x150! 04.miff
    Good: convert rings_lg_orig.png -depth 16 -colorspace sRGB -resize 150x150! 05.png
    Good: convert rings_lg_orig.png -colorspace sRGB -resize 150x150! 06.png
.... as viewed using IMDisplay.exe

Re: "-colorspace" + gray + miff = Error

Posted: 2011-09-11T23:09:13-07:00
by henrywho
This bug is still found in "ImageMagick-6.7.2-5-Q16-windows-static.exe"

Re: Bug when saving gray images as miff after "-colorspace s

Posted: 2011-09-12T05:00:06-07:00
by magick
We found the problem. Look for a patch in the next point release of ImageMagick.