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Problem with convert.exe?

Posted: 2011-09-13T08:47:45-07:00
by kriekey
Here's my issue -- i've tried the ol' reboot and reinstallation to no avail:

I'm trying to call imagemagick through MSSQL using xp_cmdshell. In order to run convert, i have to provide the absolute path, ie ("C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick-6.7.2-Q16\convert" "C:\fax.tif" "C:\fax2.tif"

Here's the weird stuff:

I can convert in cmd using

Code: Select all

convert C:\fax.tif C:\fax2.tif
but not

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick-6.7.2-Q16\convert" "C:\fax.tif" "C:\fax2.tif"

I can call the convert in cmd using

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageMagick-6.7.2-Q16\convert

Any ideas?


Re: Problem with convert.exe?

Posted: 2011-09-19T02:09:12-07:00
by whugemann
I have no specific experience with MSSQL, but some ideas. Obviously, you installed the 32 bit version of IM and this installation functions correctly, as your tests with the CMD box prove. So there is a problem with calling a CMD environment in which IM is running from MSSQL. I would try to
  • * run another 32 bit program from MSSQL to ensure that you understood the calling process correctly.
    * modify the calling sequence such that the CMD box stays open, e.g. call a batch file which again runs Convert and stays open by means of the PAUSE statement.
    * try to place IM in another path without parantheses
    * try to use the 64 bit version of IM
    * report to this forum if any of this cured the problem.
    * name the subject more specifically in future questions