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Error converting PDF to TIFF via Linux command line!

Posted: 2011-10-02T14:18:27-07:00
Using Linux Mint 11 LXDE, I ran this to covert a pdf to tiff with Imagemagick:

Code: Select all

convert The_Tao_of_Abundance.pdf The_Tao_of_Abundance.tiff
And I got the following:

Code: Select all

convert: unable to open image `The_Tao_of_Abundance.pdf':  @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2498.
convert: missing an image filename `The_Tao_of_Abundance.tiff' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand

Re: Error converting PDF to TIFF via Linux command line!

Posted: 2011-10-10T11:05:33-07:00
by fmw42
Does your configuration include libtiff and ghostscript?


convert -list configure

what does the line starting with DELEGATES say -- does it include gs and tiff?

Re: Error converting PDF to TIFF via Linux command line!

Posted: 2011-10-10T16:24:19-07:00
by anthony
That error indicates that the file was not found!

Is the filename correct? Are you in the right directory? Check thoroughly!