.net ProcessStartInfo passing arguments as variables
Posted: 2011-10-11T10:01:21-07:00
I am trying to execute a bat file via a .Net console app, but I can tell that the bat file is not accepting the parameters even though I think I have the correct format in passing them.
What am I doing wrong?
Here is the method in the console app that I'm executing.
private static int ProcessBatFile(string ifldr, string ofldr, string iext, string oext, Int16 filewidth, Int16 fileheight, Int16 ctr)
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
psi.FileName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("BatProcessDir") + "imagemagick.bat";
psi.Arguments = "-ifldr=" + ifldr + " -ofldr=" + ofldr + " -iext=" + iext + " -oext=" + oext + " -iwid=" + filewidth + " -ihgt=" + fileheight;
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = psi;
return ctr;
My psi properties look like below during debugging: ?psi
Arguments: "-ifldr=C:\\Temp\\Images\\c000\\ -ofldr=C:\\Temp\\100_100_gif_0 -iext=jpg -oext=gif -iwid=100 -ihgt=100"
CreateNoWindow: false
Domain: ""
EnvironmentVariables: {System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionaryWithComparer}
ErrorDialog: false
ErrorDialogParentHandle: 0x00000000
FileName: "C:\\Temp\\imagemagick.bat"
LoadUserProfile: false
Password: null
RedirectStandardError: false
RedirectStandardInput: false
RedirectStandardOutput: false
StandardErrorEncoding: null
StandardOutputEncoding: null
UserName: ""
UseShellExecute: false
Verb: ""
Verbs: {string[0x00000005]}
WindowStyle: Normal
WorkingDirectory: ""
Below, is the code in the bat file I'm trying to execute:
@echo on
del %ofldr%.*
cd %ifldr%
mogrify -path %ofldr% -resize %iwid%x%ihgt% -format %oext% *.%iext%
If I execute the below bat file with input directly typed into the DOS prompt, it works fine (see below):
Note: Typed in input folder name: C:\Temp\Images\c000\
Typed in output folder name: C:\Temp\100_100_gif_0
@echo off
echo Input folder of images you want to convert?
set /p ifldr=
echo Input file extension of images that you want to convert?
set /p iext=
echo Output folder where the new images will reside?
set /p ofldr=
echo Extension that you want the new images to be?
set /p oext=
echo Image width?
set /p iwid=
echo Image height?
set /p ihgt=
del %ofldr%.*
cd %ifldr%
mogrify -path %ofldr% -resize %iwid%x%ihgt% -format %oext% *.%iext%
echo Files converted
Thanks a lot,
What am I doing wrong?
Here is the method in the console app that I'm executing.
private static int ProcessBatFile(string ifldr, string ofldr, string iext, string oext, Int16 filewidth, Int16 fileheight, Int16 ctr)
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
psi.FileName = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("BatProcessDir") + "imagemagick.bat";
psi.Arguments = "-ifldr=" + ifldr + " -ofldr=" + ofldr + " -iext=" + iext + " -oext=" + oext + " -iwid=" + filewidth + " -ihgt=" + fileheight;
psi.UseShellExecute = false;
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = psi;
return ctr;
My psi properties look like below during debugging: ?psi
Arguments: "-ifldr=C:\\Temp\\Images\\c000\\ -ofldr=C:\\Temp\\100_100_gif_0 -iext=jpg -oext=gif -iwid=100 -ihgt=100"
CreateNoWindow: false
Domain: ""
EnvironmentVariables: {System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionaryWithComparer}
ErrorDialog: false
ErrorDialogParentHandle: 0x00000000
FileName: "C:\\Temp\\imagemagick.bat"
LoadUserProfile: false
Password: null
RedirectStandardError: false
RedirectStandardInput: false
RedirectStandardOutput: false
StandardErrorEncoding: null
StandardOutputEncoding: null
UserName: ""
UseShellExecute: false
Verb: ""
Verbs: {string[0x00000005]}
WindowStyle: Normal
WorkingDirectory: ""
Below, is the code in the bat file I'm trying to execute:
@echo on
del %ofldr%.*
cd %ifldr%
mogrify -path %ofldr% -resize %iwid%x%ihgt% -format %oext% *.%iext%
If I execute the below bat file with input directly typed into the DOS prompt, it works fine (see below):
Note: Typed in input folder name: C:\Temp\Images\c000\
Typed in output folder name: C:\Temp\100_100_gif_0
@echo off
echo Input folder of images you want to convert?
set /p ifldr=
echo Input file extension of images that you want to convert?
set /p iext=
echo Output folder where the new images will reside?
set /p ofldr=
echo Extension that you want the new images to be?
set /p oext=
echo Image width?
set /p iwid=
echo Image height?
set /p ihgt=
del %ofldr%.*
cd %ifldr%
mogrify -path %ofldr% -resize %iwid%x%ihgt% -format %oext% *.%iext%
echo Files converted
Thanks a lot,