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"Col out of range" exception when creating ptif

Posted: 2011-11-01T05:37:27-07:00
by pichelour

At first, sorry for my bad english :)

I think I found a bug in ptif creation.

The command "convert -debug Exception image.jpg -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 'ptif:image.tif'" fails with the next exception :

2011-11-01T13:22:39+01:00 0:09.340 15.840u 6.6.0 Exception convert[5591]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/493/Exception
4608: Col out of range, max 4607. `image.tif'
2011-11-01T13:22:40+01:00 0:09.630 16.290u 6.6.0 Exception convert[5591]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/493/Exception
2304: Col out of range, max 2303. `image.tif'

When I run the same command with a tile size of 272x272, it works perfectly.

My image has a size of 4608x3456. It turns out that 4608 / 256 returns an integer, which a think is the problem.

My version of IM is 6.6.0-4, the default package of ubuntu.


Re: "Col out of range" exception when creating ptif

Posted: 2011-11-01T10:07:22-07:00
by fmw42
Just trying to confirm. On my Mac OSX Tiger, IM Q16, I get this odd message starting with a white image.

convert -size 4608x3456 xc:white tmp.jpg
convert -debug Exception tmp.jpg -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 PTIF:tmp.tif

2011-11-01T10:00:21-07:00 1:07.630 61.070u 6.7.3 Exception convert[483]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/505/Exception
BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. `JPEGSetupEncode'
2011-11-01T10:00:25-07:00 1:11.990 65.100u 6.7.3 Exception convert[483]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/505/Exception
BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. `JPEGSetupEncode'
2011-11-01T10:00:26-07:00 1:13.050 66.130u 6.7.3 Exception convert[483]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/505/Exception
BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. `JPEGSetupEncode'
2011-11-01T10:00:27-07:00 1:13.330 66.410u 6.7.3 Exception convert[483]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/505/Exception
BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. `JPEGSetupEncode'
2011-11-01T10:00:27-07:00 1:13.420 66.490u 6.7.3 Exception convert[483]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/505/Exception
BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. `JPEGSetupEncode'
2011-11-01T10:00:27-07:00 1:13.450 66.510u 6.7.3 Exception convert[483]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/505/Exception
BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. `JPEGSetupEncode'
2011-11-01T10:00:27-07:00 1:13.470 66.520u 6.7.3 Exception convert[483]: tiff.c/TIFFErrors/505/Exception
BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. `JPEGSetupEncode'

Starting with a gradient: I get no errors.

convert -size 4608x3456 gradient: tmp.jpg
convert -debug Exception tmp.jpg -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 PTIF:tmp.tif

And the image looks fine when viewed with GraphicConverter

Re: "Col out of range" exception when creating ptif

Posted: 2011-11-01T13:37:55-07:00
by pichelour
If you want to test, the image is here: ... _scene.JPG


Re: "Col out of range" exception when creating ptif

Posted: 2011-11-01T17:49:47-07:00
by fmw42
pichelour wrote:If you want to test, the image is here: ... _scene.JPG


I get no errors from

convert -debug Exception 10568_scene.JPG -define tiff:tile-geometry=256x256 PTIF:10568_scene.tif

on my Mac OSX Tiger IM Q16. And the image looks fine when displayed.

So I would suggest you upgrade or wait for the IM developers to confirm.