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Can't convert 1x# pixel images

Posted: 2011-11-02T21:45:13-07:00
by cwolves
I have an automated script that generates image sprites. Long story short, it's failing on 1x# pixel images (that is any image that is one pixel wide).

A very simplified example that gets run:

convert -strip -size 1x66 xc:transparent -draw 'image over 0,0 0,0 "/path/to/foo.png"' /path/to/sprite-1.png

This works fine on 2x#, or #x1 images.

Re: Can't convert 1x# pixel images

Posted: 2011-11-02T23:26:28-07:00
by anthony
The -strip does not make any sense in that position, but it does not seem to make a different if it is their or not.

What does happen, and you did not say, is that the command does not crash, but exits normally. However the image is NOT overlaid on the 1 pixel wide canvas. It does for a one pixel high canvas, but not for a one pixel wide canvas.

BUG is confirmed.

Re: Can't convert 1x# pixel images

Posted: 2011-11-04T04:53:46-07:00
by glennrp
I obsserved the same behavior when I used txt instead of png format.

Re: Can't convert 1x# pixel images

Posted: 2011-11-04T23:11:21-07:00
by anthony
I was using show: for output and rose: for input in my own tests

so it is definitely a -draw problem not a file format problem.

Also it works find if you use #x1 sized canvas image instead of 1x#

Re: Can't convert 1x# pixel images

Posted: 2011-11-07T05:18:08-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you reported and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.7.3-5 Beta available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.

Re: Can't convert 1x# pixel images

Posted: 2011-11-08T17:36:34-07:00
by anthony
Confirmed in the SVN.