a % sign, which really made me question the exact implementation.
Code: Select all
-lat widthxheight{+-}offset{%}
Is the added offset a percentage of the window mean, or a percentage of theIf the current pixel is lighter than this average plus the optional offset, then it is made white
maximum intensity, or is the offset an absolute intensity value?
I tried to trace the -lat implementation to a function, and I have only found the
following AdaptiveThresholdImage() function. In this function the offset or bias
is used as an absolute intensity value, and not a percentage:
Code: Select all
mean=(MagickRealType) (pixel/number_pixels+bias);
I believe that the -lat documentation should clarify the following, if I am correct
that the offset is an absolute value:
If the current pixel is lighter than this average plus the optional offset, then it is made white, otherwise it is made black. The offset is an absolute intensity value and not a percentage.