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Create One thumbnail for every image sequence in all folders

Posted: 2012-03-26T08:26:03-07:00
by dannneman

I'm trying to get a batch file to create one thumbnail for every image sequence that exists in every sub-folder for J:\job\gladiator\

For example, for these three folders it would create 3 thumbnails (what file it selects does not matter, could be competely random):
J:\job\gladiator\vfx\040\src\plates\scene216[0001-0100].dpx (ie. there is a image sequence with 100 images in this folder)
J:\job\gladiator\blood\050\src\plates\scene219[0001-0300].dpx (ie. there is a image sequence with 300 images in this folder)
J:\job\gladiator\paint\080\src\plates\scene385[0001-0230].dpx (ie. there is a image sequence with 230 images in this folder)

This is what I have so far (I only need to figure out how I get it Goto next folder when it's done with one thumbnail for the image sequence, at the moment it creates thumbnails for every image in the image sequence).
for /R %%f in (*.dpx) do ( convert "%%f" -resize 115x116 "%%~nf.jpg" )

This would be extremely useful for me when I create databases with thumbnails, sometimes there can be up to 600 image sequences and creating thumbnails for all of them via Photoshop takes forever.

Best Regards


Re: Create One thumbnail for every image sequence in all fol

Posted: 2012-03-26T10:58:05-07:00
by fmw42
You could process each directory separately in a loop (after getting the list of directories you want to process) using mogrify.


Unfortunately, mogrify does not traverse directories, so you have to make a list of the ones you want the process via a loop.

In unix, there are other ways, but you seem to be on windows.