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"no decode delegate for this image format" with Targa (.TGA)

Posted: 2012-03-29T08:51:06-07:00
by JamieR

When I try instantiating a .TGA image file using PHP/Imagick, I'm getting the message "no decode delegate for this image format":

Code: Select all

$img = new Imagick($filePath);

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/magick-XXT16rXm' @ constitute.c/ReadImage/530'
However, when I convert the file using a Linux command prompt on the same machine, it works just fine:

Code: Select all

convert file1.tga file1.jpg
Why does it work ok from the command line, but not in PHP/Imagick?


Do I need to install a delegate? I don't see a TGA delegate in the available downloads:


- ImageMagick 6.6.0-4 2010-11-16 Q16
- Linux / Apache
- Here is my current delegate config (TGA is not shown):

Code: Select all

convert -list configure

DELEGATES     bzlib djvu fontconfig freetype gvc jpeg jng jp2 lcms lqr openexr png rsvg tiff x11 xml wmf zlib
- However, TGA does show in the format list:

Code: Select all

identify -list format

TGA* TGA rw+  Truevision Targa image

Thank you!

Re: "no decode delegate for this image format" with Targa (.

Posted: 2012-03-29T09:43:09-07:00
by fmw42
Can you convert other image fromats?

What version of IMagick are you using?

This should be reported in the Imagick Forum further down the list. It may be a problem with IMagick and not IM

Note that as I understand it, the IM developers did not create IMagick.

Re: "no decode delegate for this image format" with Targa (.

Posted: 2012-03-29T12:51:00-07:00
by JamieR
Thank you for your reply! Yes, other formats work just fine.

I'm sorry about posting in the wrong forum. I'll repost in "Imagick" as you suggest.

Re: "no decode delegate for this image format" with Targa (.

Posted: 2012-03-29T13:37:38-07:00
by fmw42
It does not hurt in this case to post in both places.

In fact you may want to create a simple script to convert images and post that code, if it works for other image types and not for tga.

Also did you check your IMagick version number. You may be using an old version. I think the newest version is 3.x