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Compose and tile animated gif with a photo

Posted: 2012-04-08T19:44:36-07:00
by gregory

I have a small transparent animated gif and would like to compose it with a bigger gif/jpeg/png photo.
I tried to use "composite" tool using the following command but got "invalid colormap index" error:
composite transp_animation.gif photo.gif result.gif

I also found the following example but it doesn't have "tile" option and just put the animation into the center of the photo:
convert -size 300x200 photo.gif null: \( transp_animation.gif -coalesce \) -gravity Center -layers Composite -layers Optimize

Could you please help me? I need to tile animated gif on a photo.
Thanks in advance!

Re: Compose and tile animated gif with a photo

Posted: 2012-04-08T19:56:56-07:00
by anthony
What are you wanting to tile, the background picture or the forground animation.

For the background see 'tilinng images

for the foreground animatoion see.. 'Glitter Tiles' ... tter_tiles

The latter uses a 'distort' technique from the former. This works with a multiple images, so can be used with coalesced animations.

Re: Compose and tile animated gif with a photo

Posted: 2012-04-09T06:49:58-07:00
by gregory
Okay, thank you, I'll try))

Re: Compose and tile animated gif with a photo

Posted: 2012-04-09T08:39:36-07:00
by gregory
Thanks! It works. :-)