wAlex wrote:How can I add one-sided white noise?
I know that sketch don't give me this effect, i've tried all possible way, but I can't achieve the result i want.
How can I do? Do you know some other way to realize that?
You can add one sided noise by (command line equivalent -- you will have to find the same functions in Imagick):
1) create a separate image the size you want using +noise Random
2) select any one channel
3) threshold that channel so that you have mostly black with white noise using -threshold XX%
or use -black-threshold XX% so that you get mostly black and some gray to white noise
4) composite the noise over your image using -compose screen
Here is an example
convert -size 128x128 gradient: grad.png
convert grad.png \
\( -size 128x128 xc: +noise random -channel g -separate +channel -black-threshold 95% \) \
-compose screen -composite grad_white_noise.png