Colorspace info is now ignored in grayscale PNG images
Posted: 2012-05-14T08:03:48-07:00
Starting with IM-6.7.6-10 (SVN revision 7885), the PNG decoder is overriding any gAMA, cHRM,
and sRGB chunk data for grayscale images. I have added a comment to this effect in coders/png.c,
but I think that instead it should be using a default gamma=1.0 and rendering_intent=Undefined for
grayscale images but should use the data from any PNG ancillary chunks. At this moment I don't
think any iCCP chunk data found in a grayscale image is ignored/reset.
Edit: in SVN revision 7920 I checked in a change to IM-6.7.6-10 to retain the gAMA,
cHRM, and sRGB data found in grayscale PNG input, but to continue to reset gamma
to 1.0 and undefine chromaticity and rendering intent if no gAMA, cHRM, or sRGB
chunk is present. If the other developers think this is OK then I'll revise IM-7.0 too.
and sRGB chunk data for grayscale images. I have added a comment to this effect in coders/png.c,
but I think that instead it should be using a default gamma=1.0 and rendering_intent=Undefined for
grayscale images but should use the data from any PNG ancillary chunks. At this moment I don't
think any iCCP chunk data found in a grayscale image is ignored/reset.
Edit: in SVN revision 7920 I checked in a change to IM-6.7.6-10 to retain the gAMA,
cHRM, and sRGB data found in grayscale PNG input, but to continue to reset gamma
to 1.0 and undefine chromaticity and rendering intent if no gAMA, cHRM, or sRGB
chunk is present. If the other developers think this is OK then I'll revise IM-7.0 too.