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ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-21T17:38:07-07:00
by alasdairdf

I upgraded to ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta to take advantage of the patches. Unfortunately this version is throwing an error on the simplest of statements:

Code: Select all

composite -limit thread 1 -compose Over -geometry +150+300 cover/master_spine2_cmyk.jpg cover/template-cover.tif temp/cover.mpc

Code: Select all

composite: no pixels defined in cache `cover/master_spine2_cmyk.jpg' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3992.
Same with convert:

Code: Select all

convert -limit thread 1 cover/bottomfix.jpg -crop 328x238+0+0 -page +0+0 -write temp/working.mpc -format "%wx%h" info:-

Code: Select all

convert: no pixels defined in cache `cover/bottomfix.jpg' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3992.
These are all Photoshop created CMYK images with standard (given by Photoshop) CMYK profiles. Everything was working beautifully until I upgraded to the beta.


With -debug it says this instead:

Code: Select all

composite: unrecognized event type `-compose' @ error/composite.c/CompositeImageCommand/771.

Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-21T18:44:08-07:00
by magick
Unfortunately we cannot reproduce the problem. Your composite command works for us without complaint.

Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-21T18:58:33-07:00
by alasdairdf
Please try with my files:

This worked perfectly in all other ImageMagick versions.

This is CentOS 6.2 86_64

Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-21T20:16:20-07:00
by alasdairdf
Also this is an even simpler statement that does the same, so it's clearly a problem with loading the JPEGs and their included profiles:

Code: Select all

convert cover/master_spine2_cmyk.jpg temp/test.jpg
convert: no pixels defined in cache `cover/master_spine2_cmyk.jpg' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3992.
This is OK:

Code: Select all

convert "cover/template-cover.tif" "temp/test.jpg"
Which is a totally different file.

Here is the result from:

Code: Select all

convert -debug all cover/master_spine2_cmyk.jpg temp/test.jpg

Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-21T20:35:26-07:00
by alasdairdf
Here, it's not my files, it occurs with ImageMagick created CMYK images too:

# convert -colorspace CMYK -size 1335x806 -gravity center -fill "rgb(28,22,17)" caption:"test" test.jpg
# convert test.jpg test.png
convert: no pixels defined in cache `test.jpg' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/3992.

Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-22T04:27:55-07:00
by magick
Thanks for the follow-up. We can now reproduce the problem and will have a patch by tomorrow.

Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-22T04:49:47-07:00
by alasdairdf
OK, great! Thanks!

Re: ImageMagick-6.7.7-1 Beta -- Error

Posted: 2012-05-22T18:53:01-07:00
by alasdairdf
I'm not sure when tomorrow is because I'm in a totally different timezone to you. Is the patch already in the beta?