Their are many ways to visuallize a 'height field' as these images are called.
You can '-shade' the image to generate shadow effects caused by the height.
You can psuedo-color the image by height, using either a gradient, or 'iso-colors' to show various levels.
See Color Lookup Tables
Also see Ordered Dither which has a 'threshold map' that can be used to add a power of two levels ... red-dither
Also see DIY ordered dither to tile patterns based on level
Finally someone wrote a PHP script than generates a 3-D view of the heigh field in a very rough way.
I know I have that link, but can't seem to find it!
If you are serious and what to generate actual graphs of the 3-D data. Perhaps Gunplot is a better option. It has facilities to deal with raw data as well, but can also be a steep learning curve.