I have one TIFF file with 2 pages ( 850x1100, 96dpi, PackBits, filesize 65K ). I use ImageMagick and Tiff2PDF to convert it separately. The PDF size from Imagemagick is 127K, and from Tiff2PDF is 28K. If I use shell script to run this conversion 100 times, ImageMagick takes 16 senconds, but Tiff2PDF takes < 2 seconds.
Since the Tiff2PDF couldn't successfully convert certain TIFF to PDF ( has unknown field ..... error ), I consider to test ImageMagick to check its performance. ImagceMagick can successfully convert those bad TIFF files; however, the file size and conversion speed are much worse than TIFF2PDF when converting the GOOD TIFFs. Since most of the TIFF files are good, the trade-off is big if I switch from TIFF2PDF to ImageMagick due to the file size and speed.
I basically just use
command. Can anyone tell me if there any specific parameters I can add to this command in order to make the file size smaller and speed faster?convert sample.tif sample.pdf