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BMP color palette

Posted: 2012-08-09T06:09:34-07:00
by amberkitten101

I'm trying to convert a color PDF to a 500ppi grayscale bmp. I'm 90% of the way there but I'm having some issues with the bmp color palette. My bmp looks right and when I use identify -verbose everything in there looks fine but if I open the bmp using a hex editor I can see that the color palette still contains colors which means my receiving program rejects it.

I'm using convert -compress None -type GrayScale -colors 256 -density 500 test.pdf test.bmp

I've tried using -colors 256 +dither -treedepth 8 based on a few things a saw in other forums but it made no difference. I tried using -remap with a bmp that I knew had the right color palette, I tried converting the pdf to a pgm first, I tried converting to a ps first, I always get the wrong color palette. I'd really appreciate any help possible on this.