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Appcrash on Windows 7 64-bit

Posted: 2012-08-17T07:29:24-07:00
by mrdo
hi there,

i'm getting an APPCRASH / Imagemagick studio library and utility programs has stopped working error on windows 7 64-bit.

i'm converting TIF files via the stream command. the files themselves work fine on my windows 7 64-bit desktop but not on another machine.

i've given the convert and stream executables admin privileges and i get the same error whether i run them in compatibility mode or not.

if i dismiss the error window, the process continues just fine and i get the output as expected.

the error seems to occur when i'm calling stream.exe to convert an rgb file to a jpg.

any ideas ?

thanks in advance.

Re: Appcrash on Windows 7 64-bit

Posted: 2012-08-17T08:43:49-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to your image and the command-line you used. We need download your image and reproduce the problem before we can offer an solution.

Re: Appcrash on Windows 7 64-bit

Posted: 2012-08-17T09:15:17-07:00
by mrdo
hi there,

here's the command that i'm using :

C:\PROGRA~1\IMAGEM~1.9-Q\stream.exe -map rgb -storage-type char -extract 4200x5880+0+0 "C:\CDA_Previews\DEMO\16_26-_19_log_LOG_COMP_233938443.tif[0]" "C:\CDA_Previews\DEMO\16_26-_19_log_LOG_COMP_233938443.rgb"

is there any way that i send or transfer the file direct to you - i don't want to post the image on a public server.

thanks for your assistance

Re: Appcrash on Windows 7 64-bit

Posted: 2012-08-17T10:16:04-07:00
by magick
The problem may be image specific. Try the following:
  • convert logo: -resize 6000x6000! logo.tif
    stream -map rgb -storage-type char -extract 4200x5880+0+0 logo.tif logo.rgb
Send an e-mail to bugs @ with a URL so we can privately download your image. We will use your image only for the purpose of identifying this problem and then promptly delete it.

Re: Appcrash on Windows 7 64-bit

Posted: 2012-08-24T10:04:57-07:00
by mrdo
unfortunately, i couldn't get to the bottom of the issue so i've had to turn off error reporting on that machine completely to allow the process to complete.

thanks for your assistance.