Quick imperfect answer:
1) If you believe that resampling filters should be based on the so-called "ideal low pass filter", namely the one that drops all frequencies above a threshold and keeps all those below a threshold intact, which in 1D gives you the Sinc filter (with infinite extent), then in 2D you want to base your filters on the radial Jinc function.
The main difference between tensor (orthogonal) Sinc and radial Jinc is that Jinc kills the "checkerboard mode" (alternating black and white squares), while the equivalent tensor Sinc filter does not, because the checkerboard mode is at the threshold of the frequency cut off both horizontally and vertically, and a tensor filter treats the two directions independently. This is a consequence of the support of the filter in 2D Fourier space being a disc in the case of Jinc, and a square in the case of tensor Sinc. The checkerboard mode sits at the corners of the square.
This can actually be seen: Tensor filters with negative lobes (those that attempt to mimic tensor Sinc somehow) do not dampen the checkerboard mode enough, and as a consequence diagonal lines and interfaces are enlarged in a fairly jagged way. With EWA filters, diagonal lines are generally smoother.
Another example: If you reduce
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... rtrait.jpg down to, say, 403x600 with a tensor filter and you zoom into the result, you will see tiny checkerboards in some of the lighter areas of the eyes. If you filter the same image with an equivalently sharp EWA filter, the checkerboards are basically gone. (Advice: Downsample through linear light (RGB or XYZ) otherwise the eyes change colour big time: They turn to "rust".)
2) Resampling filters are not only used to resize. They are also used to warp ("distort"). Although Anthony and I have a pretty good idea of how to extend orthogonal filters so that they can handle general warping elegantly, we do not believe it's been done cleanly before---if you know references or implementations, please let us know---and consequently this would be pushing the state of the art, and could fail, in the sense that the result may not be better than EWA, except when the transformation is a rotation by an angle which is a multiple of 90 degrees. It also would require a fair amount of programming. (Could somebody fund us to do this?)
My understanding is that (clamped) EWA is pretty much the state of the art w.r.t. general warping. Correct me if I'm wrong.
3) They work. IMHO, enlarging with -filter LanczosSharp -distort Resize gives beautifully artifact free results, of a quality unmatched by any -resize filter in the "artifact/sharpness" ratio department. The downfall of the EWA filters, however, is that none of the good ones are interpolatory. But this actually is not the crime some make it to be. For example, the default IM -resize filter is, in most situations, (tensor) Mitchell (which stands for the Mitchell-Netravali Keys cubic), which is not interpolatory either. This filter was chosen, long long ago, by a panel of experts, as being "balanced". IMHO, EWA LanczosSharp is even more balanced. ("Maximally balanced". Oximoron?)
EWA filters don't all work better than tensor ones, although there is one place where they shine: moire reduction when downsampling. Which of course makes complete sense from a frequency response viewpoint: Come on Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier! Clip these corners.