convert Problems under Windows 7
Posted: 2012-11-05T02:11:44-07:00
Dear Imagemagick experts,
I've got a problem with the following script under Windows 7
I've start this script with a shell command under the context Menu in my Windows Explorer. I've added this under HKEYLM\SOftware\Classes\Directory\shell\Piccommand\command
-> the Reg ey C:\imagebatch\test.cmd
If you choose a folder with pictures and doing a right click on it, choose piccommand it always display the message file not found
after this I tried to add after the C:\imagebatch\test.cmd %1 and tried to run the script like this
Now the script starts in the pointed directory but displays the message "improper parameter - - resize"
If I copy the original Script in the picture folder it works.
Has anyone of you a hint how to solve this Problem.
I've got a problem with the following script under Windows 7
Code: Select all
@echo on
FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR *.jpg /b') DO (convert.exe %%I -resize 800x600 -auto-orient -density 72 -quality 75 c_%%I
composite -watermark 15%% -gravity center c:\imagebatch\pic.png c_%%I c_%%I)
-> the Reg ey C:\imagebatch\test.cmd
If you choose a folder with pictures and doing a right click on it, choose piccommand it always display the message file not found
after this I tried to add after the C:\imagebatch\test.cmd %1 and tried to run the script like this
Code: Select all
@echo on
FOR /%%I IN (%1\*.jpg) DO (convert.exe %%I -resize 800x600 -auto-orient -density 72 -quality 75 c_%%I
composite -watermark 15%% -gravity center c:\imagebatch\pic.png c_%%I c_%%I)
If I copy the original Script in the picture folder it works.
Has anyone of you a hint how to solve this Problem.