Imagemagick fails with the font "Pharmacy"

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Imagemagick fails with the font "Pharmacy"

Post by badabou »


I have a problem with Imagemagick and use the font "Pharmacy" on a LInux server (Debian 6).

When I want to write a text with the "+" character, imagemagick fails to create the image.

Here is the command :

Code: Select all

convert -background none -fill "#000000" -gravity Center -font pharmacy.ttf -size 600x600 caption:"+" result.png
And font :

Thank you
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Re: Imagemagick fails with the font "Pharmacy"

Post by fmw42 »

I tried it and it shows "Harold Loehner Designs". So I suspect there is no + glyph in that font. It works fine for other characters. I do not think this is an IM problem.
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