If Photoshop has a batch facility, and can gives you the result you want, that seems the best route.
I have played with the image, trying to see what transformation the MS tools are applying. To my eye, the result is more "appealing" then the correct (I think) conversion. I don't think it's a straightforward colour balance (ie multiplying each channel by a number). I did get somewhere close with IM's "-color-matrix" filter. Windows "bat" script; adjust as appropriate for other script languages:
Code: Select all
"%IMG%convert" ^
c.tiff ^
-colorspace RGB ^
-color-matrix ^
^" 0.80 0.15 0.20 0 0 0.10 ^
0 0.75 0.1 0 0 0.05 ^
0 0 0.65 0 0 0 ^
0 0 0 1 0 0 ^
0 0 0 0 1 0 ^
0 0 0 0 0 1^" ^
-colorspace sRGB ^
I got the numbers by trial-and-error. It clearly isn't the same result as from Windows tools, but to my eyes is more appealing than the correct conversion.
Note that this transformation is in RGB space, not sRGB. A result closer to Windows tools might be possible (with different numbers) by transforming in RGB space.
"-modulate" is a possibility for adjusting the colour balance and decreasing saturation, eg
Code: Select all
"%IMG%convert" c.tiff -modulate 100,70,115 cm2.tiff
is quite good, but has too much green.
Another route is to create a 3-D CLUT (colour lookup table) that does the transformation you want, and apply that to your 15,000 images. See
Step 1: Create a "hald clut":
Step 2: Using your favourite image editor (eg Photoshop or Gimp), apply whatever edits you want to c.tiff. You might adjust hue, saturation, color curves, whatever. Take a careful note of the edits. Save the result if you want, but it doesn't matter.
Step 3: Using the same editor, open hald.png. Apply exactly the same edits to this file. Save it as "haldEdited.png". (In Gimp, use "export".)
Step 4: Apply this clut:
Code: Select all
"%IMG%convert" c.tiff haldEdited.png -hald-clut c_clutted.tiff
The result should look exactly like your edits of c.tiff. You can then apply the same haldEdited.png to your 15,000 images.
(The exact filenames don't matter, of course. They are merely my conventions.)