how to use clone while resizing multiple images
Posted: 2013-01-10T00:54:06-07:00
I have multiple images in a folder and what i am doing is resizing all the images with below command
convert inputFolder/*.gif -resize 450x324 -quality 100 outputFolder/ImageName_%0d.gif;
this gives me correct result but now i also want to create different size images with same convert command
for this i am using below command
convert inputFolder/*.gif +clone -resize 323x242 -quality 100 -write outputFolder/SmallImage_%0d.gif.gif +delete -resize 450x324 -quality 100 outputFolder/ImageName_%0d.gif;
this also works fine and 2 copy of each images are generated.
Now is there any way for selective resizing means for clone command i only want the copy of first,last or any specific image and not all.
convert inputFolder/*.gif -resize 450x324 -quality 100 outputFolder/ImageName_%0d.gif;
this gives me correct result but now i also want to create different size images with same convert command
for this i am using below command
convert inputFolder/*.gif +clone -resize 323x242 -quality 100 -write outputFolder/SmallImage_%0d.gif.gif +delete -resize 450x324 -quality 100 outputFolder/ImageName_%0d.gif;
this also works fine and 2 copy of each images are generated.
Now is there any way for selective resizing means for clone command i only want the copy of first,last or any specific image and not all.