You're right. The GIMP can open result file correctly and can work with it.
I was still curious why photoshop can't edit this result file so I search the Internet after a png validator and I found the following program:
I compared two of my concatenated result file. One is editable with Photoshop and one is not.
The most significant difference was the PLTE chunk. I found that concatenated PNG image result files with PLTE chunk I can't edit or use it in Photoshop or a specific 3rd party image container program.
When I used Google with search phrase "imagemagick montage concatenate palette" I found this Imagemagick post:
where I found the answer for my problem. I have to use "PNG32:" switch to not let the montage.exe use palette chunk even if the number of colors are enough small to store them in palette.
Now all of my result file is editable, not using paletted color.