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"Win:" Usage on Xp Gives PhotoViewer Error

Posted: 2013-01-13T18:45:37-07:00
by batbelt
"WIN:" is broken on Xp due to a Windows-version-specific delegation. A workaround and a suggested fix are presented.

After installing ImageMagick-6.8.1-9-Q16-x86-dll.exe a message containing a two-command "confidence test" is displayed:

convert wizard: wizard.jpg
convert wizard.jpg win:

The second command should result in the wizard being displayed. Instead, it fails on Xp Pro SP3 with the error:

Error loading C:\Program Files/Windows Photo Viewer/PhotoViewer.dll
The specified module could not be found.

This viewer exists on Win 7, but not on Win Xp.

A workaround is to replace the three occurences of:

"cmd.exe /C %%SystemRoot%%/System32/rundll32.exe "%%ProgramFiles%%/Windows Photo Viewer/PhotoViewer.dll", ImageView_Fullscreen file:///%i"

with this:

"imdisplay.exe "%i.""

This restores the previous behaviour of having "WIN:" use imdisplay for viewing.

If the intention is to use the native viewer, consider using "Cmd /C Start "%i." "%i.""

Re: "Win:" Usage on Xp Gives PhotoViewer Error

Posted: 2013-01-14T07:00:27-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.8.1-10 Beta available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.