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Consultant needed for background removal

Posted: 2013-01-23T22:23:03-07:00
by dankohn
I have about 100,000 images that I need to programmatically remove the backgrounds from, using a multi-layered masking technique.

I'd like to use the techniques discussed here:

This script may meet my needs, but I need help settling on optimal fuzzin and fuzzout settings.

Please contact me by private message to discuss contracting rates. Thanks.

Re: Consultant needed for background removal

Posted: 2013-03-05T18:29:44-07:00
by excertribe
I also have a similar project where I have close to a thousand photos to be processed.

I would like a solution that is available in shell script and ideally also in PHP for a web based tools.

Please PM me if you are interested.