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More explanations about Anthony's background removal script

Posted: 2013-03-29T04:39:32-07:00
At Anthony wrote an script for background removal. There is a more deep explanation about all arguments in this script? Thank you.

Re: More explanations about Anthony's background removal scr

Posted: 2013-04-02T22:40:34-07:00
by anthony
The arguments are basically as discussed in the IM Examples that spawned it
Recovering Semi-Transparent Edges

It is an attempt to 'recover' semi-transparent pixels, of a foreground object with a known edge color, and a known background image.

Typing no or incorrect arguments to bg_removal script prints a summary of what it does and the argument meanings.

The next section, which was added much later,
Background Removal using Two Backgrounds ... background
goes into the actual problem. Namely.. you need two sources of information to recover the two bits of information that is missing along edges... final foreground color and its transparency.