how to set colorspace prior to a long series of converts

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how to set colorspace prior to a long series of converts

Post by wfzimmerman »


I want to set the colorspace as CMYK prior to a long series of (independent) convert commands in a bash script, then return it to sRGB when the script is done. How do I do that?

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Re: how to set colorspace prior to a long series of converts

Post by snibgo »

Each convert command is independent of the others. You might use a shell variable in each convert command, of course.
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Re: how to set colorspace prior to a long series of converts

Post by fmw42 »

convert image -colorspace CMYK tempimage
convert tempimage -colorspace sRGB result

HOWEVER, it is not recommended to process in CMYK colorspace. Many IM functions assume that the colorspace is RGB not CMYK and will not function properly if it is not RGB
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