possible bug -colorspace gray beta Q16 Mac OSX
Posted: 2013-06-03T16:32:50-07:00
There appears to be a slight difference between -colorspace gray and -grayscale rec601luma in IM beta. The -grayscale result matches older versions of IM. So the odd one is -colorspace gray. You will need to download my images and flicker them to see the differences. Or create your own from the commands below.
In the -colorspace gray example the red hat is slightly darker.
imb convert redhat.jpg -colorspace gray 1tmp68510.jpg
imb convert redhat.jpg -grayscale rec601luma 2tmp68510.jpg
im68410 convert redhat.jpg -set colorspace RGB -colorspace gray 1tmp68410.jpg
im67410 convert redhat.jpg -set colorspace RGB -colorspace gray 1tmp67410.jpg
In the -colorspace gray example the red hat is slightly darker.
imb convert redhat.jpg -colorspace gray 1tmp68510.jpg
imb convert redhat.jpg -grayscale rec601luma 2tmp68510.jpg
im68410 convert redhat.jpg -set colorspace RGB -colorspace gray 1tmp68410.jpg
im67410 convert redhat.jpg -set colorspace RGB -colorspace gray 1tmp67410.jpg