I'm trying to resize a very large image -- approx 1.2 gigapixels -- to a smaller version.
Using this command...
convert C:\bubblechain-ReNew-2-self-gel-1r-MegaHuge.bmp -resize 50% converted-MegaHuge.bmp
...I'm getting this error:
Code: Select all
C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.8.6-Q16> convert C:\bubblechain-ReNew-2-self-gel-
1r-MegaHuge.bmp -resize 50% converted-MegaHuge.bmp
convert.exe: Memory allocation failed `C:\bubblechain-ReNew-2-self-gel-1r-MegaHu
ge.bmp' @ error/bmp.c/ReadBMPImage/933.
convert.exe: no images defined `converted-MegaHuge.bmp' @ error/convert.c/Conver
Any way I can convert this given the limitations of my system? If so, what's the best way?