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Annotation pictures

Posted: 2013-07-12T07:03:36-07:00
by eXMarty
Can I use when annotation pictures to text distortion (eg higher font height)
I tried to trace this option, but I failed. Options such as rotation or slant I found but change the aspect ratio of the font I could find.
Pre mohokrát thanks (especially for samples using the command line)

PS: this is an automatic Google translation so I apologize for any confusion. My mother tongue is Czech

Re: Annotation pictures

Posted: 2013-07-12T07:41:17-07:00
by snibgo
Annotate has no option to change the aspect ratio. But you can resize the image:

Code: Select all

convert -size 1000x1000 xc: -gravity South -pointsize 200 -annotate 0 Hello -resize 10%x100% -trim a.png

Re: Annotation pictures

Posted: 2013-07-13T11:06:12-07:00
by eXMarty
I managed this, but I thought distorted text, but a picture in the background to remain unchanged.

Re: Annotation pictures

Posted: 2013-07-13T12:01:52-07:00
by snibgo
Many possibilities. For example, here is a Windows script to position the text at offset (150,100) from top-left:

Code: Select all

%IM%convert ^
  in.png ^
  ( -size 1000x1000 xc:None ^
    -gravity South -pointsize 200 ^
    -annotate 0 Hello ^
    -resize 10%%x100%% -trim ^
    -repage +150+100 ^
  ) ^
  -layers merge ^

Re: Annotation pictures

Posted: 2013-07-13T13:22:24-07:00
by GreenKoopa
I'm with snibgo. When you create text on it's own layer, endless distortion options are available. label: is an alternative to -annotate.