This following will draw just the arc. see see
convert -size 100x60 xc: -stroke red -fill none -draw "ellipse 50,30 25,25 225 255" show:
where "ellipse xcenter,ycenter radius,radius angle, angle"
where angle is measured as 0 pointing due east (right) and increases clockwise. So I have a center at 50,30 a radius=25 and the perimeter is drawn between 225deg and 255deg.
You can then draw straight lines for the other sections. The you can floodfill the interior of the area you want given any point inside the region (for example just average the 4 x coords and the 4 y coords and use that as the start point for the floofill). See
You can do all the drawing in one command (which is unix syntax and assumes you have done all the calculations ahead of time and put those values into variables)
convert -size WidthxHeight xc: -stroke black -fill none -draw "ellipse $ox,$oy $radius,$radius, $ang1,$ang4 line $x4,$y4 $x3,$y3 line $x3,$y3 $x2,$y2 line $x2,$y2 $x1,$y1 color $xave,$yave floofill" show:
radius=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:hypot(($y1-$oy),($x1-$ox))]" info:
Given your diagram, the Width and Height are the size of your image, the angles are
ang1=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:180+atan(abs($y1-$oy),abs($x1-$ox))]" info:
ang4=`convert xc: -format "%[fx:180+atan(abs($y4-$oy),abs($x4-$ox))]" info:
If you only want the filled area, you can add -trim +repage to trim the image down to the bounding box around the filled area.