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How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T15:49:33-07:00
by LedZeppelin
I'm using a youtube downloader to download music videos in the MP4 container, encoded in H.264 with a bitrate of about .5Mbit/s

I'm currently exporting videos to frames using ffmpeg then converting those images to gifs using imagemagick

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ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 6 -t 5 frames/ffout%03d.png

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convert -delay 10 -loop 0 frames/ffout*.png output.gif
Instead of using .pngs as the images, I also tried using .gifs

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ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 6 -t 5 frames/ffout%03d.gif

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convert -delay 10 -loop 0 frames/ffout*.gif output.gif
I feel the file sizes are way too big for the quality. The above samples rendered a 2.8MB for the gif based of the png images and 1.6MB for the gif based off the gif images.

What option should I use to lower the file size? I tried setting

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to values that were powers of two. Are there any other options I can adjust to exchange quality for file size?

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T15:54:40-07:00
by fmw42
Gifs are limited to -colors less than or equal to 256. You do not have to use powers of 2. see the sections on GIF at

You could also define a fixed color palette image and recolor (all) your image using that common palette. See

You could convert to 8-bit palette png and use some other tools such as pngcrush to reduce the file size. See the sections on PNG at

What is wrong with just using JPG and compressing as desired?

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T16:15:17-07:00
by LedZeppelin
What is wrong with just using JPG and compressing as desired?
I tried the following (saving to jpg), but the results weren't satisfactory. The size was way high.

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$ ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 6 -t 5 frames/ffout%03d.jpg
$ convert -delay 10 -loop 0 frames/ffout*.jpg output.gif
Do you know how I could achieve this compression you mentioned? Do I do it through ffmpeg when I take the snapshots, or is there an option I can set in image magick?

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T16:22:28-07:00
by fmw42
convert your images from ffmpeg to png. then convert the pngs to GIF using the -colors or -remap option if you want an animated gif.

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 6 -t 5 frames/ffout%03d.png
convert -delay 10 frames/ffout*.png -colors XX -loop 0 output.gif


ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 6 -t 5 frames/ffout%03d.png
convert -delay 10 frames/ffout*.png -dither none -remap paletteimage -loop 0 output.gif

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T16:24:58-07:00
by LedZeppelin

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convert your images from ffmpeg to png. then convert the pngs to GIF using the -colors or -recolor option if you want an animated gif.
Sorry for my ignorance, but isn't this exactly what I did before?

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ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 6 -t 5 frames/ffout%03d.png

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convert -delay 10 -loop 0 -colors 256 frames/ffout*.png output.gif

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T16:26:57-07:00
by fmw42
yes, but I am not sure what values for -color you used or if you tried the -remap option with a common fixed palette.

I missed the fact that you were making an animated gif when I suggested using jpg. I was only focusing on the compression/quality vs file size issue. Sorry for my mistake.

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T16:29:35-07:00
by LedZeppelin
I see. I tried 256, 128, 62, 32, 16 as arguments to -colors. I think I'll stick with my original approach and possible -remap to my own pallette later. Thanks for your help :D

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T16:31:57-07:00
by fmw42
LedZeppelin wrote:I see. I tried 256, 128, 62, 32, 16 as arguments to -colors. I think I'll stick with my original approach and possible -remap to my own pallette later. Thanks for your help :D
the number of colors is not limited to powers of two. any value between 1 and 256 is fine, though too low would be unacceptable results.

Re: How to lower file size of gifs from youtube videos?

Posted: 2013-07-22T17:02:21-07:00
by LedZeppelin
I understand it's not limited to powers of two as you mentioned previously.

Thanks for the follow up clarification.