The basic colorwheel example from IM Examples, Color Basics, Generating a HSL Color Wheel
just does not have a 60 degree equal angle spread of the primary colors, Blue, Red, and Green as it is supposed to
but looks more like a cylindrical LAB/LUV spread of colors. The intensity also appears to be not what is traditionally produced.
Code: Select all
convert -size 100x300 gradient: -rotate 90 \
-distort Arc '360 -90.1 50' +repage \
-gravity center -crop 100x100+0+0 +repage angular.png
convert -size 100x100 xc:white solid.png
convert -size 100x100 radial-gradient: -negate radial.png
convert angular.png solid.png radial.png -set colorspace RGB \
-combine -set colorspace HSL -colorspace RGB \
-set colorspace sRGB colorwheel_HSL.png
What it should be producing (hex-cone color spread)
The same is happening with HCL, with greens and yellows being squeezed into a very small tight band. HCL is supposed to generate something almost identical to the hex-cone but with more realistic RGB intensity levels. I am not certain it uses exactly a Hex-Cone hue distribution, as the main page at says blue is at and angle of 260, and not 240. That however may be due to the more realistic intensity levels pushing off blue colors more to one side.
Basically something very basic is wrong.