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Replace each RGB value with another number
Posted: 2013-10-02T18:45:46-07:00
by nftprd
Hello guys, this might be easy but I'm new here so I appreciate any help I can get.
I have a color table that has custom (255) values for red, green, and blue like this:
Code: Select all
red = [ 0, 2, 3, 5 ...
green = [ 0, 1, 1, 2 ...
blue = [ 50, 50, 50, 70 ...
Basically I would like to replace each rgb value from an image with my custom value..
For example,
Code: Select all
rgb(1,50,100) gets replaced by rgb(2,50,100) because red[1] = "2"
rgb(0, 0, 0) gets replaced by rgb(0, 0, 50) because blue[0] = "50" etc...
I've been able to implement this in PHP and Actionscript quite easily but I have to iterate through each pixel and replace each value, which makes it slow.
Does ImageMagick have an easy way to do this? I can easily change the formatting of my table to allow for the replacement.
Re: Replace each RGB value with another number
Posted: 2013-10-02T19:04:55-07:00
by fmw42
Convert your table of colors into a 1D image and use -clut to apply that to your image.
You can either append 256 1pixel images together to create the 1D image or use NetPBM format to convert text color values to an image.
convert xc:"rgb(0,0,0)" xc:"rgb(...)" ... +append 1Dlut.png
You would skip the -scale and would create 3 lists of 256 grayvalues, one for each of the r,g,b channels then combine them together and apply to the image.
also will explain the format.
Make 3 lists (or arrays): redlist, greenlist, bluelist
echo "P2 256 1 255 $redlist" | convert - redlut.png
echo "P2 256 1 255 $greenlist" | convert - greenlut.png
echo "P2 256 1 255 $bluelist" | convert - bluelut.png
convert redlut.png greenlut.png bluelut.png -combine -colorspace sRGB colorlut.png
convert image colorlut.png -clut resultimage
P.S. What version of IM are you using and on what platform? Syntax may differ!
Re: Replace each RGB value with another number
Posted: 2013-10-02T19:45:17-07:00
by nftprd
I'm using 6.7.7-10 on Linux. I'm following your directions, I'll update you once I've got it. Thanks so much!
Re: Replace each RGB value with another number
Posted: 2013-10-02T20:15:10-07:00
by nftprd
Thank you so much, Fred!! It works perfectly.
I've put the commands in a neat PHP function if anyone else needs it to create a color LUT image...
Code: Select all
function table2image($map, $name='colorlut'){
$r = 'echo "P2 256 1 255 '.implode(' ',$map['red']). '" | convert - rlut.png';
$g = 'echo "P2 256 1 255 '.implode(' ',$map['green']).'" | convert - glut.png';
$b = 'echo "P2 256 1 255 '.implode(' ',$map['blue']). '" | convert - blut.png';
exec("convert rlut.png glut.png blut.png -combine -colorspace sRGB $name.png");
table2image($map, 'name');
Re: Replace each RGB value with another number
Posted: 2013-10-02T20:21:41-07:00
by fmw42
The other way would have to been to make a text file of
Then just do
convert @filename.txt +append colorlut.png
convert image colorlut.png -clut resultimage